Premium Content for the Audiophiles Out There

Let My Sardonic, Raspy Voice Inspire You

in your ear

If you’re like me, you love audio content. As a veteran voiceover actor, I know that having something great to listen to at all times is not optional. It’s mandatory!

So sit back and relax as I regale you with stories of life, love, and all kinds of other stuff.

Don’t have time to read a 200-page book? I feel you. Get all the great content from my memoir without the annoyance of having to, you know, sit still or flip pages.

Plus, you get the added benefit of hearing the book read aloud in my own voice, along with some of my amazing voiceover actor friends. We are a good time.

Pull up a chair. Get real cozy like. Lock your kids out of the room. And stick in those earbuds. It’s worth it, I promise.

Full cast list: Bridget Maguirre Colton, Jim Edgar, Steve Fait, Roni Gallimore, Nina Greeley, Julie Hancock, Diane Hayes, Shannon Kealey, Lynda Kluck, Yinka Ladeinde, Amy Larson, Tina Morasco, Sarah Norris, Lucy Parkinson, Tom Pinto, Laura Quimabao, Danny Scott, Danny Scott, Stephanie Shmunes, Amy Stafford, Lisa Star, Emiko Susilo, and Susan Vlahos.

With music by Katy Lawrence and Dell Burchett.

Until the Last Pickle

listen to the audiobook

So, I wrote and produced a five-minute audio story all about the relationship between an immigrant daughter and her mother (I definitely did not pull from real life. At all.) and some of my voiceover actor friends helped me bring it to life.

It’s funny, relatable, and insightful. All in five minutes flat!

Listen in as “Anna” and her mother exchange exasperated voice messages in a hilarious tapestry of misunderstanding and familial love.

What Comes Next for Us, Mama?

settle into a short audio story

tina fey

"You can tell how smart people are by what they laugh at."

You know you want to!

What do intertidal ecology, the beetles of Madagascar, and the disenfranchised youth of San Francisco have in common?

Subscribe to be the first to hear when I drop this anthology interview series all about the groundbreaking internship that helped raise me out of a dark place and get to where I am today.

In Development: Interview Series

talk to me, Bubelah!


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P.S. In my spare time, I'm a voice actor. Listen in.